Healthiest Alcohol

What Is The Healthiest Alcohol To Drink?

Alcohol isn’t a healthy choice, although particular kinds of alcohol seem better than others. For instance, alcoholic drinks like red wine and whiskey are considered better than beer and different sweet drinks. Visit the online wine shop to find the most suitable alcoholic drink. 

Besides, healthcare practitioners recommend people refer to moderate alcohol drinking to bring more advantages than damage. It would be better for men to drink two drinks per day while women can drink no more than one portion. Today, we’ll walk you through a list of the healthiest alcohol to drink and find out is wine the healthiest alcohol or not.

What is the healthiest alcohol?

1. Red wine

Red wines are leading in our top of the healthiest alcohol to drink on a diet because of their properties for human health. These wines are well-known for antioxidant contents that work well to prevent our cells from damaging. Polyphenols contained in red wines are good for heart health, as well. 

Studies concluded that red wines could promote cardiovascular and brain health. Interestingly, pink and white wines contain the same substances as reds. However, their contents are lower. If you want to purchase the healthiest option among red wines, seek natural wines on the shelves of a wine shop.

2. Tequila

According to one animal research, the agave tequila tends to increase calcium absorption in the organism and promote bone health. It is worth mentioning that clear alcoholic drinks, like gin and tequila, have lower calorie and sugar contents compared to other popular beverages. It allows our bodies to metabolize these drinks easier.

3. Hard kombucha

Fermented tea is the main ingredient in a beverage called kombucha, and it isn’t related to alcoholic drinks at all. Furthermore, modern kombucha makers produce stiff kombucha drinks with an alcohol content similar to beer. This beverage can reduce cholesterol levels and decrease blood pressure regarding health benefits. Moreover, some suppliers of regular kombucha made it without adding sugar, making this drink even healthier.

4. Dry champagne

If you still doubt which alcohol is the healthiest, having a glass of dry champagne is your best bet. Dry wines feature lower sugar rates than other popular alcoholic drinks allowing people to stay thin and healthy. Apart from the low sugar content, dry bubbly champagne is also truly delicious, but don’t forget about moderate alcohol drinking.

5. Bloody Mary

If you are a cocktail lover and seek the healthiest option, don’t overpass Bloody Mary. Fresh veggies make this drink low-calorie and less damageable than other recognizable cocktails. Keep in mind that the less sodium your Bloody Mary contains, the better it is, so ask a bartender about any salty additives. Apart from vodka in this cocktail, other ingredients, like tomato juice, are rich in Vitamin C and B6 that are good to fight a hangover.