
How Much Shrooms Should a Beginner Take?

If you are trying magic mushrooms for the first time, then everything looks unknown and complicated for you. However, if you spend a few minutes of your time to read the article below, you will have a better understanding of what is going to happen with you if you eat magic mushrooms. For starters, you need to know that magic mushrooms contain psilocybin( a psychedelic substance). Thanks to the psilocybin you will experience auditory and visual hallucinations, as well as changes in mood and sensations. Of course, it all depends on the dosage you use. That is why you should know how much shrooms to take for beginner. If you want to know where to buy them, you will easily find a large selection of psychedelic mushroom chocolate bars. However, first, you should learn about shrooms beginner dose and types.

What are the best shrooms for beginners?

One of the varieties of mushrooms for beginners is Mexicana. They are perfect due to their light effect. You will feel a slight euphoria and mood swings. Also, all colors will be brighter. Maybe you will have a blurry picture of what you see. 

The next species is Psilocybe Pajaritos. They are similar in effect to the previous ones. However, they evoke a desire for continuous laughter and fun. However, if you take them in small doses over some time, the effect will be different. You will feel the desire for philosophical reflection. Another good option for beginners is Tampanensis. They also evoke a sense of openness and inspiration. You will feel the desire to be productive and communicate a lot.

How to take shrooms as a beginner?

Magic mushrooms are sold in different forms. They can be ground into a powder or whole. For starters, it is better to choose whole dried mushrooms. You will be able to determine the dosage more easily. This is because fungi have different amounts of psilocybin in their stems and caps. Therefore, use only one of these parts of the mushroom, to begin with.

How many shrooms are suitable for beginners?

The most important question is how much shrooms should a beginner take. However, this is also easy to determine. You can often see advice on how to start with microdosing. This is one of the right methods. You can increase the dose later. However, you can also try using a slightly higher dose than the minimum for the first time. This will help to feel the effect of mushrooms. Then you can reduce the dosage to determine your minimum limit. So, let’s consider how many grams of shrooms should a beginner take. For microdosing – 0.15-0.3g, for the trial dose – 0.5-1g, the typical dose – 2-3g.

How to act in case of a bad trip of shrooms?

You may have a bad trip. This happens if you have negative emotions that may intensify during the trip. The reason may also be an overdose. That’s why it’s important to know what a good beginner dose of shrooms is. In this case, you should stop eating mushrooms. Distract yourself by talking to another person and talking about your feelings. Also, do not take any medication.